Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dimensional Analysis

Dimensional Analysis is used to convert one quantity to another.
The most important thing when using dimensional analysis is knowing your conversion factors! Details and extra practice can be found on the following website and video:


  1. Your post helped me a lot on understanding dimensional analysis. I liked your picture because it showed what you were doing, and your video and website were a big help. I would have liked to see an example in your post.

  2. Thanks Lauren for sharing this! Your picture was a good refresher from class, and this repetition will ensure my memorization of it. You also included a good point concerning making sure you know your conversion factors, because this is often what I struggle with the most when it comes to these problems. Your videos were a great addition also, for anyone needing any further explanation or practice. Overall you're doing great on your blog, good job!

  3. This post helped me greatly as I was kinda confused regarding what units to put where, and the website is very useful, thank you for the help!
